What does an average class look like?
Classes will vary from day to day and on class type. HIIT classes generally consist of circuit training working to certain interval timers, whereas Strength & Conditioning classes may include longer breaks but higher weight ranges.
I'm unfit, can I still do this class?
We cater all of our classes to every skill & fitness level. From beginners to advanced practitioners, everybody trains together and progresses as a team.
Will I get hurt?
Our coaches strive to ensure 100% safety. Please ensure you let your trainer know about any active injuries or medications you are taking prior to starting class so they can take any necessary precautions for your health.
What do I need to bring?
For your first class please wear a tight fitting shirt & shorts and bring a water bottle and towel!
Etiquette and Hygiene
Please consult our etiquette & hygiene standards prior to attending the gym! Click HERE to learn more.